Generalni sekretar Ujedinjenih nacija Ban Ki-moon skoro je posetio Zambiju, obratio se parlamentu, susreo se sa ključnim političkim ličnostima, među kojima i sa prvim republikanskim predsednikom Kennethom Kaundom i posetio je glavnu turističku destinaciju ove zemlje, Viktorijine vodopade u gradu Livingstoneu na jugu zemlje. Nijedna od ovih stvari nisu bile toliko medijski propraćene kao što je to bio njegov poziv naciji na poštovanje prava homoseksualaca.
Lusaka Times izveštava:
United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon says people with different cultural backgrounds need dignity and respect. Mr. Ban notes homosexuals, lesbians and gays are people whose rights need to be dignified and respected by mankind.
U njegovom obraćanju Nacionalnoj skupštini Zambije, gospodin Ban je rekao:
Now you have embarked on a transformation agenda – a process for a new people-driven Constitution that will be a foundation for Zambia’s progress, a Constitution that will stand the test of time.This offers Zambia an opportunity to lead once more by enshrining the highest standards of human rights and protections for all people – regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation or disability.
Njegova izjava je ponovo u žižu javnosti vratila pitanje homoseksualnosti zbog koga je tada vladajuća MMD umalo politički uništila tadašnjeg vođu opozicije, a sadašnjeg republikanskog predsednika Michaela Satau, tokom kampanja koje su dovele do izbora prošlog septembra na kojima je pobedio bivšeg predsednika Rupiaha Bandau.
Sajber-građani Zambije na većini društvenih mreža reagovali su na različite načine na izjavu Bana, a većinaa se pozivala na etiketu “hrišćanske nacije”, na kojoj se temelji ustav ove države.
Kao reakcija na priču iz Lusaka Timesa (citirana u prethodnom delu teksta), Mambala je napisao:
hehehe!!!!! Mr Ban, we expected to hear that from you. Infact that was yo main agenda… to advance the cause of the homosexual and lesbians. Listen Zambia is a sovereign state, we dont have to be told how to live. We knw those homos and lesbians have always been part of our society. They do their acts in secrecy and we are ok with that. If they dare come out in the open to advance their evils, we will deal with them ruthlessly!!!!
Citizen je napisao:
Please Mr Secretary General, we as Zambians have accepted that we are a Christian Nation, it is in our constitution and so becomes our Right. Being such means respect for all persons as they are God’s imagery creation – including criminals, homosexuals,lesbians, liars, prostitutes and the like, while at the same time condemning their sinful activities, so that they turn away. Mr SG, we know you want us to follow other nations by not criminalising homosexuality. That we shall refuse. We shall never de-criminalise such acts. Let those nations copy from us because it is the most sensible thing to do
Jedan od malobrojnih medija suprotnih stavova, Observer, napisao je:
Mr Ban is talking about BASIC rights. He is not talking about gay marrriage or that kind of thing. Have some of you read the story before commenting? Basic rights is like the right to clean water or education. He is saying these people should be allowed to live life free from physical danger and enjoy same basic rights without discrimination. I do not see anything wrong with that. These are people too. Our churches and families should work hard to ensure young people stay away from homosexuality and other negative stuff. Government can not be tasked with supervising lives of individuals. It is nice to have our country visited by Mr Ban.
Na zambijskoj Facebook grupi, 90 dana (palac gore/dole vladi svakih 90 dana), Sidique Abdullah Gondwe Geloo napravio je razliku između greha i zločina:
HOMOSEXUALITY IS A SIN, NOT A CRIME. FORNICATION IS A SIN NOT A CRIME. Should an unmarried man go to jail for having sex with another unmarried women? No. They sinned but its not a crime, they made the decision. Should gay people go to jail for dating…It is a filthy filthy SIN but not a crime…They have rights not be stoned, killed or harrassed, but they shouldnt have rights to get married, display their feelings publicly because we are a very PROUDLY HOMOPHOBIC COUNTRY…So when someone says gay people have rights, that shouldnt scare you as long as they keep their gayism at home
Na Twitteru, jedan status se obratio direktno Ban Ki-moonu i glasio je:
@chikwe1: Ban Ki Moona If denouncing #Homosexuality makes me a #Savage then I'd rather #Live and #Die a savage than otherwise. Stay away from #Zambia
Dok se debata oko homoseksualnosti žustro vodi u Africi, Liberija i Uganda su u skorijem periodu donele anti-gej zakone kojima se za homoseksualnost može dobiti smrtna kazna. Homoseksualnost je stavljena van zakona u 38 afričkih zemalja, a kažnjiva je smrću u Mauritaniji, Sudanu i severnoj Nigeriji.